All photos: EcoHimal

School Project for the Children in Nepal

In Nepal many children cannot read, write or do arithmetics and have no access to primary education. For a number of reasons – poverty, lack of quality education and discrimination of disadvantaged social groups.

In development policy education is considered the prerequisite for a self-determined life – this is why EcoHimal conducts an education project to support children in Nepal. EcoHimal funds formal education and vocational training, clothing and school uniforms, books and writing utensils, accommodation, food and care.

Education Overcomes Poverty

The project encourages and supports children and young adults. These efforts may lead to the development of an entire village or may change a community. Helping people to help themselves reduces their dependencies and encourages them to take on responsibility for their own lives. Children who attend school and training programmes have a much better chance at finding employment and later being able to support a family. People who have experienced the advantages of education will take care when they are grown up to provide the same opportunities to their children. Education counteracts exploitation, prevents diseases, combats crime. And education contributes towards improving Nepal's economic situation.

In Austria EcoHimal works for a better understanding of global interrelations in order to achieve a long-term improvement in the situation of the children of the South.


Focus on Girls and Women

In Nepal the chances of girls at attending school or being trained are lower than for boys. Girls usually have to help with household chores or are married off as teenagers. A solid primary education of all girls is particularly important for society: educated women often marry later, have fewer children and are better able to care for them. The more years of schooling mothers have had, the lower is child mortality.  Educated girls tend to be more assertive and thus less likely to be physically or sexually abused or exploited.

This is why EcoHimal places special emphasis on girls and women in its projects in order to ensure their participation in society on equal terms.


Our Partner Organisation

From the start, EcoHimal has emphasised cooperation with local groups who are familiar with the requirements in the area and have experience in working with children. In this project it is EcoHimal Nepal and the local NGO IDEA.



The assistance is rendered through long-term projects which have reliable funding from sponsorships and donations. EcoHimal does not offer direct sponsorship of a particular individual but project-related sponsorship. This ensures that not just one person in a community gets preferential treatment. The sponsorship contribution is earmarked for a particular purpose and will be used only for the selected project.

With a monthly donation of € 30.00 you will become a sponsor for one year and give one child a home, care and an education.

A donation of € 15.00 pays for school items for two children!


Every donation helps!

 How can you donate?

You may pay directly to our account.

Humanitarian Projects


EcoHimal Austria Gesellschaft für Zusammenarbeit Alpen-Himalaya
Hofhaymer Allee 11/17
5020 Salzburg
T: +43 662 829492
ZVR Zahl: 886266575

Unsere Partner