Brief von Mikma Lama

Die 11-jährige Mikma hat im Juni 2016 mit Auszeichnung die 3. Klasse abgeschlossen. Sie ist eine unserer EcoHimal-SchülerInnen und kann dank Ihren Spenden gemeinsam mit ihren Freunden die Bibhuti National School in Kathmandu besuchen. Sie hat uns ihre persönliche Geschichte in einem Brief erzählt:

My name is Mikma Lama. I am eleven years old. I study in grade IV. My father's name is Duckchak Lama. My mother's name is Dema Lama.
My family is poor. My friend's uncle has given us chance to read. My school's name in Eastern Nepal was Surya Boarding Secondary School. I studied in u.k.a there and I lived in the hostel. That hostel did not take care of me and my friends. One night in the bedroom while we were going to sleep we have lighted a candle. We went to sleep but the candle was not closed. After sometime our bed room was burning with all clothes. Our hostel brother brought water and put the flames out. After some days our parents came to meet me and my brother and we could leave that hostel and my parents took me and my brother and gave responsibility to EcoHimal. After some days, I left my father, mother, brother, sister, uncle, aunt and neighbour and came to Kathmandu to learn in the new school.
I study there from U.K.G. In U.K.G. in first term I became 4th. In mid term I became 1st, second term I became 2nd and in final term I became 1st. I got there many friends and brothers they love me very much. They were very kind. I live in hostel there. I continued there my study up to three class. When, I was in hostel on 12th Baisakh earthquake came. I was very scared. But later I became happy again. I am in Bibhuti National Secondary School and we have good facilities.
I will like to thank EcoHimal members for giving me golden opportunity to study. Thank you. Mikma Lama

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